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At Iowa
5. P. J. Subintoro and K. P. Carter
Delineating the Effects of Counterions on the Structural and Vibrational Properties of U(IV) Lindqvist Polyoxometalate Complexes
4. A. Kumar, R. R. Golwankar, M. M. Pyrch, F. L. Cooper, G. A. Arehart, K. P. Carter, A. G. Oliver, V. W. Day, T. Z. Forbes, and J. D. Blakemore
Macrocyclic Control of Electron Transfer to High Valent Uranium in Heterobimetallic Complexes
3. B. Lottes and K. P. Carter
Photochemical Synthesis and Characterization of a Uranyl Peroxide Triethylamine N-Oxide Dimer
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2024, 27(28), e202400300.
2. P. J. Subintoro and K. P. Carter
Structural and Vibrational Properties of Lanthanide Lindqvist Polyoxometalate Complexes
Dalton Transactions, 2024, 53(22), 9526-9539.
1. B. Lottes and K. P. Carter
Capture and Stabilization of the Hydroxyl Radical in a Uranyl Peroxide Cluster
Chemistry-A European Journal, 2023, 29(45), e202300749.
Before Iowa - MSU, GWU, and LBNL
40. M. A. Sinnwell, A. N. Williams, K. P. Carter, L. E. Sweet, B. K. McNamara, E. D. Reinhart, S. R. Baum, S. D. Shen, S. R. Kimmig, M. A. Boreen, R. J. Abergel, and R. G. Surbella III
Two-Dimensional Uranyl Frameworks: Directing Assembly using Non-Covalent Interactions
39. J. A. Smith, M. A. Singh-Wilmot, Z. Min, K. P. Carter, S. Gilbert, M. B. Andrews, C. L. Cahill, J. A. Ridenour, A. N. Ley, and K. T. Holman
Polymorphism from a 1:1 Ln:BTB reaction pot: solvothermal versus sonochemical synthesis of Ln-MOFs
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2023, 546, 121299.
38. T. A. Bailey, J. N. Wacker, D. D. An, K. P. Carter, R. C. Davis, V. Mocko, J. Larrabee, K. M. Shield, M. N. Lam, C. H. Booth, and R. J. Abergel
Evaluation of 134Ce as a PET imaging surrogate for antibody drug conjugates incorporating 225Ac
Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2022, 110-111, 28-36.
37. K. P. Carter, J. N. Wacker, K. F. Smith, G. J.-P. Deblonde, L. M. Moreau, J. A. Rees, C. H. Booth, and R. J. Abergel
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2022, 29(2), 315-322. (Invited contribution to special issue on actinide physics and chemistry with synchrotron radiation)
36. L. Arnedo Sanchez, K. F. Smith, G. J.-P. Deblonde, K. P. Carter, L. M. Moreau, J. A. Rees, T. Tratnjek, C. H. Booth, and R. J. Abergel
ChemPlusChem, 2021, 86(3), 483-491.
35. K. P. Carter, M. Kalaj, S. McNeil, A. Kerridge, M. H. Schofield, J. A. Ridenour, and C. L. Cahill
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 8(5), 1128-1141. (Inside Front Cover Article)
34. K. P. Carter, K. M. Shield, K. F. Smith, Z. R. Jones, J. N. Wacker, L. Arnedo Sanchez, T. M. Mattox, L. M. Moreau, K. E. Knope, S. A. Kozimor, C. H. Booth, and R. J. Abergel
Structural and spectroscopic characterization of an einsteinium complex
Nature, 2021, 590(7844), 85-88.
Highlighted by Nature Chemistry, The New York Times, NBC News, Vice, C&E News, Physics Today, Chemistry World, and Many More.
33. K. P. Carter, K. F. Smith, T. Tratnjek, G. J.-P. Deblonde, L. M. Moreau, J. A. Rees, C. H. Booth, and R. J. Abergel
Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 60(2), 973-981.
32. R. G. Surbella III, K. P. Carter, T. D. Lohrey, D. Reilly, M. Kalaj, B. K. McNamara, J. Schwantes, and R. J. Abergel
Chemistry-A European Journal, 2020, 26(61), 13819-13825. (Inside Front Cover Article)
31. K. P. Carter, R. M. Pallares, and R. J. Abergel
Open questions in transplutonium coordination chemistry
Communications Chemistry, 2020, 3, 103. (Invited contribution to Open Questions in Chemistry series from Communications Chemistry; Selected for Coordination Chemistry Collection)
30. J. A. Smith, M. A. Singh-Wilmot, K. P. Carter, C. L. Cahill, and J. A. Ridenour
New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44(28), 12317-12330
29. K. P. Carter†, G. J.-P. Deblonde†, T. D. Lohrey, T. A. Bailey, D. D. An, K. M. Shield, W. W. Lukens, and R. J. Abergel
Developing scandium and yttrium coordination chemistry to advance theranostic radiopharmaceuticals
Communications Chemistry, 2020, 3, 61. († authors contributed equally) (Selected for Coordination Chemistry Collection by Communications Chemistry)
28. K. P. Carter, K. F. Smith, T. Tratnjek, K. M. Shield, L. M. Moreau, J. A. Rees, C. H. Booth, and R. J. Abergel
Spontaneous, chelation-driven reduction of the neptunyl cation in aqueous solution
Chemistry-A European Journal, 2020, 26(11), 2354-2359.
27. R. M. Pallares, K. P. Carter, S. E. Zeltmann, T. Tratnjek, A. M. Minor, and R. J. Abergel
Selective lanthanide sensing with gold nanoparticles and hydroxypyridinone chelators
Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59(3), 2030-2036.
26. A. Ricano, I. Captain, K. P. Carter, B. P. Nell, G. J.-P. Deblonde, and R. J. Abergel
Combinatorial design of multimeric chelating peptoids for selective metal coordination
Chemical Science, 2019, 10(28), 6834-6843 (Selected for themed collection highlighting most popular 2019-2020 inorganic, main group, and crystal engineering chemistry articles)
25. K. P. Carter, J. A. Ridenour, M. Kalaj, and C. L. Cahill
A thorium metal-organic framework with outstanding thermal and chemical stability
Chemistry-A European Journal, 2019, 25(29), 7114-7118
24. J. A. Smith, M. A. Singh-Wilmot, K. P. Carter, C. L. Cahill, and J. A. Ridenour
Lanthanide-2,3,5,6-tetrabromoterephthalic acid metal-organic frameworks: selective bifunctional sensors for the detection of Fe3+, Cu2+, and nitroaromatics and the evolution of halogen•••halogen interactions across the lanthanide series (Selected for virtual issue on halogen bonding)
Crystal Growth & Design, 2019, 19(1), 305-319.
23. G. J.-P. Deblonde, T. D. Lohrey, C. H. Booth, K. P. Carter, B. F. Parker, Å. Larsen, R. Smeets, O. B. Ryan, A. S. Cuthbertson, and R. J. Abergel
Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 57(22), 14337-14346.
22. K. P. Carter, J. Jian, M. M. Pyrch, T. Z. Forbes, T. M. Eaton, R. J. Abergel, W. A. de Jong, and J. K. Gibson
Reductive activation of neptunyl and plutonyl oxo species with a hydroxypyridinone chelating ligand
Chemical Communications, 2018, 54(76), 10698-10701. (Invited contribution to thematic issue on new molecules and materials from the f-block)
21. K. P. Carter, M. Kalaj, A. Kerridge, and C. L. Cahill
CrystEngComm, 2018, 20(34), 4916- 4925. (Inside Front Cover Article)
20. K. P. Carter, R. G. Surbella III, M. Kalaj, and C. L. Cahill
Restricted speciation and supramolecular assembly in the 5f block
Chemistry-A European Journal, 2018, 24(49), 12747-12756. (Selected for Reviews Showcase by Chemistry-A European Journal)
19. K. P. Carter, M. Kalaj, A. Kerridge, J. A. Ridenour, and C. L. Cahill
How to bend the uranyl cation via crystal engineering
Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 57(5), 2714-2723.
18. K. P. Carter, A. T. Kerr, I. V. Taydakov, and C. L. Cahill
Molecular and polymeric uranyl and thorium hybrid materials featuring methyl substituted
pyrazole dicarboxylates and heterocyclic 1,3-diketones
Solid State Sciences, 2018, 76(1), 20-32. (Front Cover Article)
17. K. P. Carter, S. J. A. Pope, M. Kalaj, R. J. Holmberg, M. Murugesu, and C. L. Cahill
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC), 2017, 643(23), 1948-1955. (Invited contribution to special issue celebrating Thomas Schleid’s 60th birthday)
16. M. Kalaj, K. P. Carter, and C. L. Cahill
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 2017(40), 4702-4713. (Highlighted as
Very Important Paper by European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry)
15. K. P. Carter, M. Kalaj, R. G. Surbella III, L. C. Ducati, J. Autschbach, and C. L. Cahill
Engaging the terminal: promoting halogen bonding interactions with uranyl oxo atoms
Chemistry-A European Journal, 2017, 23(61), 15355-15369. (Inside Front Cover Article)
14. M. Kalaj, K. P. Carter, A. V. Savchenkov, M. M. Pyrch, and C. L. Cahill
Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 56(15), 9156-9168.
13. J. A. Ridenour, K. P. Carter, and C. L. Cahill
CrystEngComm, 2017, 19(8), 1190-1203.
12. J. A. Ridenour, K. P. Carter, R. J. Butcher, and C. L. Cahill
CrystEngComm, 2017, 19(8), 1172-1189.
11. M. Kalaj, K. P. Carter, and C. L. Cahill
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2017, B73(2), 234-239. (Special Issue on Halogen Bonding)
10. K. P. Carter, M. Kalaj, and C. L. Cahill
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2017, 4(1), 65-78.
9. J. A. Smith, M. A. Singh-Wilmot, K. P. Carter, C. L. Cahill, A. J. Lough, and C. S. Knee
New Journal of Chemistry, 2016, 40(9), 7338-7349.
8. K. P. Carter, K. E. Thomas, S. J. A. Pope, R. J. Holmberg, R. J. Butcher, M. Murugesu, and C. L. Cahill
Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55(14), 6902-6915.
7. G. E. Sigmon, J. E. S. Szymanowski, K. P. Carter, C. L. Cahill, and P. C. Burns
Hybrid lanthanide-actinide peroxide cage clusters
Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55(6), 2682-2684.
6. K. P. Carter, M. Kalaj, and C. L. Cahill
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 2016(1), 126-137
5. K. P. Carter, C. H. F. Zulato, E. M. Rodrigues, S. J. A. Pope, F. A. Sigoli, and C. L. Cahill
Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44(36), 15843-15854.
4. K. P. Carter and C. L. Cahill
Combining coordination and supramolecular chemistry to explore uranyl assembly in the solid state
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2015, 2(2), 141-156. (Invited contribution to thematic issue on crystal engineering for molecular materials)
3. K. P. Carter, C. H. F. Zulato, and C. L. Cahill
CrystEngComm, 2014, 16(44), 10189-10202.
2. R. D. Selby, K. P. Carter, and S. H. Gage
Survey concerning electronic textbooks: Assessing student behavior and environmental considerations
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2014, 15(2), 142-156.
1. K. P. Carter, S. J. A. Pope, and C. L. Cahill
CrystEngComm, 2014, 16(10), 1873-1884.
Book Chapters
2. R. M. Pallares, K. P. Carter, D. Faulkner, and R. J. Abergel
Macromolecular crystallography for f-element complex characterization
In Methods in Enzymology, J. A. Cotruvo Jr. (Ed.) Academic Press, 2021, vol. 651, ch. 5, 139-155.
1. K. P. Carter and C. L. Cahill
Hybrid materials of the f-elements part I: the lanthanides
In Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths, J.-C. G. Bünzli, V. K. Pecharsky (Eds.), Elsevier, 2015, vol. 47, ch. 271, 147-208.